The Society offers financial assistance to enable those working in applied philosophy to pursue their research away from their home institution. This includes, for example, attendance at conferences and workshop, longer research visits to another institution, and participation in summer schools.
The amounts available are not large; we do not envisage making individual grants of more than £1,200. Normally only one application per person per year will be considered. The Society will take into account any previous successful applications when making a decision to fund. This scheme is open to post-graduate students, post-doctoral researchers, academic staff and independent researchers. Applications should apply using the form here. Post-graduate students should include a letter from their supervisor confirming the academic importance of the trip. Those applying for support for research visits should include an invitation letter from the host institution.
N.B. The Society does not normally fund per diem (subsistence) but can consider requests for subsistence support in exceptional cases. Applications will be assessed following the submission deadlines: 01 January, 01 April, 01 July, 01 October. Usually a decision on applications will be provided within one month of the deadline. Please ensure you apply at the deadline most appropriate to the timing of the trip bearing in mind the timeline for a decision. It is not possible for out-of-cycle applications to be considered. Successful applicants should submit a report after the event/activity. Funds will be paid once the activity is complete and a report is provided.