Teaching Relief

The Society offers funding for limited teaching relief to support the completion of a research project (e.g. a monograph or journal article, grant application, etc.). This relief might, for example, enable a researcher to pay for a graduate teaching assistant to assist with seminars and marking. The amounts available are not large — we do not envisage making individual grants of more than £1,200. Normally only one application per person per year will be considered. The Society will take into account any previous successful applications when making a decision to fund. This scheme is open to academic staff (i.e. those appointed as either temporary or permanent lecturers on a full-time basis)

Applications for teaching relief should include:

  • a CV
  • a statement of the applicant’s teaching load
  • a copy of the project thus far (e.g. the draft manuscript, draft grant application)
  • a summary of the work required for completion
  • an explanation of how the funds will be used. Applicants should consider whether, for example, it would be more effective to pay for teaching relief for all their seminars for a short period, thereby giving them a block of time for their research, rather than relief for one seminar over an entire term.
  • A letter from the applicant’s department confirming the applicant’s teaching load and that arrangements will be made to substitute teaching in the manner the applicant describes.

N.B. The Society does not normally fund per diem (subsistence) but can consider requests for subsistence support in exceptional cases. Applications will be assessed following the submission deadlines: 01 January, 01 April, 01 July, 01 October.  Usually a decision on applications will be provided within one month of the deadline.  Please ensure you apply at the deadline most appropriate to the timing of the activity bearing in mind the timeline for a decision.  It is not possible for out-of-cycle applications to be considered. Successful applicants should submit a report after the event/activity.  Funds will be paid once the activity is complete and a report is provided.

Apply for Teaching Relief Funding