Symposium on Chris Armstrong’s forthcoming book, ‘Justice and Natural Resources’

Symposium on Chris Armstrong’s forthcoming book, ‘Justice and Natural Resources’


January 25, 2017 8:00 am — January 26, 2017 5:00 pm
Faculty of Arts, University of Bristol

Contact Megan Bloomfield for more information.


SAP Symposium on Chris Armstrong’s forthcoming book, ‘Justice and Natural Resources’
Political and moral philosophers are devoting increased attention to the questions of who should control access to natural resources and how the benefits of natural resources should be shared. Stress on essential resources such as fertile land and clean water, growing energy insecurity, contested mineral extraction rights, the dangers of global climate change, population growth, and general environmental degeneration will trigger and intensify conflict over natural resources across and within national borders in years to come. These pressure points call for a critical re-assessment of existing and evolving principles of natural resource governance internationally; and of ideas concerning the normative foundation of rights to natural resources.
In his forthcoming book, to be published by Oxford University Press, Chris Armstrong presents a comprehensive study of justice in natural resource distribution. This symposium, which is sponsored by the Society for Applied Philosophy, aims to advance the debate on justice and the distribution of natural resources by taking Chris Armstrong’s highly original and timely book as our starting point.
Invited speakers: Chris Armstrong (Southampton); Clare Heyward (Warwick); Alejandra Mancilla (Oslo); David Miller (Oxford); Margaret Moore (Queen’s, Canada); Cara Nine (Cork)
Organisers: Megan Blomfield (Bristol); Fabian Schuppert (Queen’s, Belfast)
This event is open to all but spaces are limited. Please email natural-resource-justice@bristol​.ac​.uk to register.
We are committed to making this an inclusive event
The workshop will take place on the ground floor of Cotham House, University of Bristol. An Access Guide for the venue is available at http://​www​.disabledgo​.com/​a​c​c​e​s​s​-​g​u​i​d​e​/​u​n​i​v​e​r​s​i​t​y​-​o​f​-​b​r​i​s​t​o​l​/​c​o​t​h​a​m​-​h​o​use
Please get in touch if we can provide you with further information or assistance, either at the email address above or at megan.​blomfield@​bristol.​ac.​uk