SAP sponsored event: The Ethics of Police and Media Stings

SAP sponsored event: The Ethics of Police and Media Stings

University of Liverpool
May 16, 2019 9:00 am — 5:00 pm
Foresight Centre 1 Brownlow Street Liverpool L69 3GL

Contact Stephen McLeod for more information.


University of Liverpool, Sponsored by the Society for Applied Philosophy

Thursday 16th May 2019 Foresight Centre


09:00   Registration & Refreshments

Morning Session. Chair: TBC

09:15 - Christopher Nathan (Warwick) - 'Covering Stings:Regulation and Criminal Justice'

10:00 - Attila Tanyi (Tromsø) - ‘Entrapment and Its Ethics: A Dirty Hands Problem?’

10:45 - Bethan Loftus (Bangor) - 'Normalising the Exceptional: Covert Surveillance and the Subterranean World of Policing'

11:30 - Refreshments

1145 - Liat Levanon (KCL) - 'Police Entrapment as a Substitute for Bad Character Evidence'

12:30 - Lunch

Afternoon Session. Chair: TBC

13:30 - Stephen McLeod (Liverpool) - ‘Entrapment and the Public Interest’

14:15 - Eamonn O’Neill (Edinburgh Napier) - TBC

15:00 - Refreshments

15:15 - Jeffrey Howard (UCL) - 'The Structure of Subversion'

16:00 - Daniel Hill (Liverpool) - ‘Entrapment and Temptation’

16:45 - Close
