The Future of Just War: Theoretical and practical challenges

The Future of Just War: Theoretical and practical challenges


October 7, 2015 7:00 am — October 10, 2015 4:00 pm


7 — 9 October, 2015
Portola Hotel, Monterey CA
*Registration is now closed*
The Future of Just War: Theoretical and Practical Challenges is an international academic conference being held in October 2015 in Monterey, California.
Keynote Speakers:
Scott Sagan (Stanford): ‘Atomic Aversion and Just War Principles’
Helen Frowe (Stockholm) ‘The Framework of Just War Theory’
Adil Ahmad Haque (Rutgers) ‘Does Just War Theory Rest on a Mistake?’
David Rodin (Oxford and CEI) ‘The Ethics of Revolutionary War’
Jeff McMahan (Oxford) ‘Against Collectivist Approaches to the Morality of War’
Invited Speakers:
Saba Bazargan (UCSD)
Wilson Brisset (US Air Force Academy)
Susanne Burri (LSE)
Ian Fishback (Michigan)
Camber Warren (Naval Postgraduate School)
The conference is hosted by the Defense Analysis Department at the Naval Postgraduate School with generous support from the Consortium for Robotics and Unmanned Systems Education and Research, and in collaboration with the Stockholm Centre for the Ethics of War and Peace, and the National Science Foundation.
The conference will explore a range of issues in the ethics of war, paying particular attention to the challenges posed to our moral understanding of war by the ‘changing character of warfare’ – for example, by new and emerging technology – as well as by recent developments in just war theory. A schedule of all papers is available here.
The conference organisers are BJ Strawser, Fritz Allhoff and Helen Frowe.