Workshop on Helen Frowe’s ‘Defensive Killing: An Essay on War and Self-Defence

Workshop on Helen Frowe’s ‘Defensive Killing: An Essay on War and Self-Defence


Wolfson Research Exchange, University of Warwick
November 8, 2013 9:00 am — 5:00 pm

Contact Massimo Renzo  for more information.


Workshop on Helen Frowe’s ‘Defensive Killing: An Essay on War and Self-Defence
10:00–10:15 Arrival
10:15–10:30 Introduction
10:30–11:45 Vittorio Bufacchi (Cork) – “Threats and Bystanders”
11:45–12:15 Coffee
12:15–13:30 Victor Tadros (Warwick) – “Killing Innocent Threats”
13:30–14:30 Lunch
14:30–15:45 Jonathan Parry (Sheffield) – “War and Self-Defence”
15:45–16:15 Coffee
16:15–17:30 James Pattison (Manchester) – “Non-combatant Immunity”
The workshop
The philosophical debate in just war theory has been one of the most flourishing and stimulating ones in the last ten years. Philosophers such as Cecile Fabre, Jeff McMahan and David Rodin have raised important challenges to the orthodox understanding of the morality of war and to the way in which international law conceives the traditional distinction between jus in bello and jus ad bellum. This debate has become increasingly more complex in the last few years, with a number of other philosophers joining in. Dr. Helen Frowe, one of the most interesting voices in this debate, is working on the final draft of a manuscript, under contract with Oxford University Press, in which she offers a novel account of self-defence and then considers the implications of this account for certain aspects of killing in war. In particular, Dr. Frowe defends the view that non-combatants on the unjust side of a war can sometimes render themselves liable to attack by combatants on the just side, thereby challenging some of the main tenets of the “neoclassical view” defended by Fabre, McMahan, Rodin and others. This workshop will bring together moral, legal and political philosophers to discuss the pre-final draft of Dr. Frowe’s manuscript.
Four chapters from Dr. Frowe’s manuscript will be circulated in advance, and participants will be expected to have read them. Each chapter has been assigned a respondent, who will introduce the discussion.
The event is free of charge but places are limited. If you are interested in attending please write to Massimo Renzo: m.​renzo@​warwick.​ac.​uk.
This event is generously supported by PAIS and The Society for Applied Philosophy.